Friday, September 17, 2010

Human Creativity: Has It Reached Its End?

Some people would argue that creativity has long ago reached its end. Although it can be easy to see many of the same recurring ideas done over and over and over again in many different types of art, I believe that creativity will never end. Art of any form is potentially limitless; the only thing holding artists back is their self induced perception of a creative limit. When an artist argues that everything has been done before, what are they basing this conclusion on? Are they basing it on all the other examples of art that history has to offer? Yes, they are. Even more so they can't even see all that history has to offer because nothing is preserved forever and it is inevitable that an inconceivable amount of art has become lost in time. The idea that creativity has a limit is a very narrow view, and all one needs to do to escape that sense of narrow mindedness is to look around them. What is there to see? An entire universe of possibility exists right before our eyes. If one were to consider the vast and inconceivably infinite universe and all that it contains, one would easily be inspired. Think about it this way; we're one single civilization, on one planet, in one of hundreds of millions of solar systems, that's part of millions of billions of galaxies drifting in the infinite abyss of the cosmos. If we could see all of the cosmos all at once, and we looked at our world with such a massive perspective, we would appear smaller than some of the smallest known subatomic particles. We are the stuff of the universe. We physically represent a creative process billions of years in the making. Our biological selves came to be as a process of trial and error on the molecular genetic level, and everything we are was completely by accident. Even the human biology as intricate and inconceivably complex as it is just one out of an infinite range of possible biological creations that could exist anywhere in the universe. Perhaps even if we were to discover other forms of biological beings, we would not even recognize their molecular make up as being biological because of its possible vast difference to ours. So, if you’re telling me that human creativity is extinguished, you're wrong. I personally believe creativity is infinite.

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